Press Releases
Press Coverage
“[Kei] Esmaeilpour, who founded the Civic Association of Iranian Canadians, ... said many people from Iran come to Canada well-versed in exercising their elevated individual rights and freedoms. “But they need to put more emphasis on their responsibilities to Canada,” he said. “This is their new home.”
The Civic Association of Iranian Canadians of BC is presents Nowruz (new year's) 1391 greetings on behalf of Derek Corrigan, the mayor of Burnaby, Gregor Robertson, the mayor of the city of Vancouver, Richard Stewart, the mayor of Coquitlam, Darrell Mussatto, the mayor of North Vancouver, Michael Smith, the mayor of the district of West Vancouver, and Richard Walton, mayor of the district of North Vancouver.
Vancouver City Council debate on November 13, 2011, hosted by the West End Residents Association in collaboration with the Civic Association of Iranian Canadians.
““We want Iranian-Canadians to get out and vote,” Hamidi said. “Many of them don’t even bother to go to the polls and we don’t want that.”
“Trying to to encourage more involvement in municipal politics, the Civic Association of Iranian-Canadians, commonly know as Civic IC, is a non-partisan group that is organizing Iranian-Canadians into a more civically active community. The organization began in 2008 after its founders noticed participation in elections needed to be improved.”
BC Provincial Election 2017,
Election Results, Winners: Democracy and Citizens:
Citizenship Rights in Farsi :