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Equal Citizenship

The Civic Association of Iranian Canadians and the BC Civil Liberties Association present:

Equal Citizenship: No More Second-Class Citizens!

 In 2014, the government passed a law creating two tiers of Canadian citizens. This law made some Canadians into second class citizens, with fewer rights than other Canadians just because of where they were born. A bill to repeal this discriminatory law – Bill C-6 – is currently being debated by the Canadian Senate.


Join us for a discussion featuring the BC Civil Liberties Association’s Executive Director, Josh Paterson, to talk about citizenship equality and your rights as a Canadian citizen.

Farsi translations of the BCCLA’s Citizenship Handbook will also be available.


When: Saturday, April 8, 2017, 2pm – 4pm

Where: West Vancouver Memorial Library (1950 Marine Dr, West Vancouver, BC)    

                Welsh Hall East